Sergey Chekalin
Head of Dendrology Laboratory
Research Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction
36D, Timiryazev str.,
Almaty, Kazakhstan,
Tel/Fax: +7727 3948040
E-mail: botanyphyto@mail.ru

Eduard Madenov
Senior scientist
Kazakh Research Institute of Horticulture and Vegetable Growing
238A, Gagarin avenue,
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Tel.: +7 727 396 04 16
Fax: +7 727 396 05 11

Seitkarim Kaltaev
Deputy head
Agriculture department of Almaty province
26, Kabanbay batyr str., Taldykorgan,
Aplmaty provine, 040000, Kazakhstan
Tel.: +7 7282 271081
Fax: +7 7282 271327
E-mail: obl_ush@mail.ru

Amantay Kultaev
Leading researcher
Research Institute of Economy of Agricultural Complex and Development of Rural Territories
30b, Saptaev str.,
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Tel.: +7 727 2453625
Fax: +7 727 2453607

Janibek Abirov
Head of department
Research Institute of Economy of Agricultural Complex and Development of Rural Territories
30b, Saptaev str.,
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Tel.: +7 727 2453620
Fax: +7 727 2453607