Regional Project Implementation Unit
Bioversity International Sub-regional office for Central Asia
P.O. Box 4564, Tashkent, 700000, Uzbekistan.
Tel.: (+998 71) 2372171
Fax: (+998 71) 1207120
Е-mail: Bioversity-Uzbekistan@cgiar.org
URL: www.bioversityinternational.org
National Project Implementation Unit in Kazakhstan
Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
30 “b”, Satpaev str., 050057, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Tel.: (+7 727) 2453590
Fax: (+7 727) 2453607
Е-mail: abd_kazakh@mail.ru
National Project Implementation Unit in Kyrgyzstan
Innovation Centre of Phytotechnologies of National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic
267, Chuy prospect, Bishkek, 720071, Kyrgyzstan
Tel.: (+996 312) 646353
Fax: (+996 312) 642671
Е-mail: abd_kyrgyz@mail.ru
National Project Implementation Unit in Tajikistan
Research Institute of Horticulture of Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences
21a, Rudaki prospect, Dushanbe, 734025, Tajikistan
Tel.: (+992 372) 2270801
Fax: (+992 372) 2270804
Е-mail: abd_tajik@mail.ru
National Project Implementation Unit in Turkmenistan
Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Turkmenistan
15, Bitarap Turkmenistan str., Ashgabad, Turkmenistan
Tel.: (+993 12) 930440
Fax: (+993 12) 930440
Е-mail: abd_turkmenistan@mail.ru
National Project Implementation Unit in Uzbekistan
Research Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
P.O. Yukori Yuz, Kibray district, Tashkent province, 111226, Uzbekistan
Tel.: (+99871) 2647801
Fax: (+99871) 2642390
Е-mail: abd_uzbek@mail.ru
URL: www.insitu.uz